新品主打Big In Business(大商的味道【英文版】)僅此一檔
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新品主打Big In Business(大商的味道【英文版】)僅此一檔誠意推薦給大家看喔!
內容簡介: A Book with Chinese treasured wisdom of being leaders and advisers.
The first book published in both Chinese and English in the history of book publishing in Taiwan.
Learn and understand the brilliant spirit of Taiwanese people.
42 Taiwanese noble entrepeneurs’ inspiring stories and their secret for success.
A classical book recommend by the deans of Chung-Hua Institution of Economic Research , Taiwan Research Institute , three economist and two celebrities.
Life is not about getting and having.
It’s about giving and being. – Kevin Kruse
Special Dedication to:
博客來書店Dr. Ivan Misner? and Beth Misner
Mr. Norm Dominguez
Andrew Hall and Ji-Hong Hall
For Changing the Way the World Does Business?
Chung-Shu Wu President of CIER(中華經濟研究院 吳中書 院長)
President of CIER( Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)
Chien-Fu Lin President of TIER(台灣經濟研究院 林建甫 院長)
President of TIER( Taiwan Institution of Economic Research)
It will be a miraculous leap if this book becomes the best-selling book. This a good book full of the spirit of Taiwan. I urge every Taiwanese people read it thoroughly.
Kuo-Chien Yu Professor(劍湖山世界休閒產業集團 游國謙 副董)
In short this book is rigorous yet lively, elegant yet imaginative. It is highly recommended to give your friend one and keep one for yourself. Put it next to tour bed, read one or two chapters before going to bed. Cleaning your soul and enhance your wisdom .It would be a wonderful deed that everyone should have this book. The truth and the justice is our eternal life guiding stars.
It is worthy for more praising.
Bing-Yuan Hsiung Professor(台灣大學經濟系 熊秉元教授)
Professor, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University
I am moved therefore I share. I support therefore I recommend.
This book is like a beacon. The beacon that lights up the hop for economics breakthrough. And the beacon that shows that ideal purpose of lives.
I want to say: We appreciate your devotion. I hope that your influence and spirit as noble entrepreneurs will spread to each corner in Taiwan.
博客來網路書局Big in Business! I like it!
Kan-Nan Chen Professor(淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系 陳幹男)
Professor, Department of Chemical and Material Engineering, Tamkang University
Work hard and work smart! This I my line! Hsu, Hung realized my words in life that I’m so moved. I recommend this book which has the most energy in the world, for the element that cannot be found in periodictable of the elements, and that is the soul of the success.
Po-Hsun Hsiao, Associate Professor(國立台灣體育運動大學 蕭柏勳 副教授)
Associate Professor, National Taiwan University of Sport
For Hsu Hung and Hsing Hui’s big heart , he can contain all matters worldly; and his humbleness allow him to accept all the goods as well. His heart has no attachment so it is free. The Taste of Huge Business is sweet. Let’s appreciate the taste.
Long Ou-Yang Taipei City Council(台北市議員 歐陽龍)
To read a book is profitable, especially this one. To seek interests for my people, especially in a huge way.
Glorifying Taiwan starts by Business Pioneers.
James Yu CEO of HoldFuture
The Hsing-Hui I know is a person who never gives up in giving abundant and valuable exchange. She truly believes one’s life must matter. She keeps on giving and walks the talk of helping others. Throughout this book , she has combined her thoughts, and if any story has touched your heart, it is result of her efforts.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Hsu Hung(許宏), Huang, Hsing-Hui (黃心慧)
- 出版社:布克文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/08/15
- 語言:英文
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